I know that most of you have a New Year Resolutions and/or made a list of all the things you want to accomplish this year. It took me awhile to make my 100 things to do list. Seriously.
Anyways, I bought myself a new journal for this year, I usually buy myself a planner every year but I am in need of a new journal and besides, I can always doodle in a calendar in my new journal.
Isn't it cute? I love it! It's my new love. I will hold it dear to me. I can't wait to take it to Disney and fill it with so many wonderful adventures.
Here's my 100 things that I am hoping to accomplish this year.
1. Go sky divingI've been really wanting to do this for awhile. I was going to do it for my 21st birthday but it never happened. Maybe this year!
2. Attend a concert
I've never been to a concert before. I know, it's sad. I must attend one soon!
4. Go camping
5. Ride in a horse carriage
7. Go on a road trip
9. Visit a museum
10. Go to the spa
11. Go to a gun range
I've been really wanting to try this out forever. This year for sure!
13. Go stargazing
14. Have a picnic
15. Go zip lining
I wanted to go zip lining when I was in Belize but I didn't have the time. I know there are a couple places around but I really want a location with beautiful scenery. And of course, somewhere affordable.
19. Go horseback riding
20. Go to a convention event
21. Ride in a helicopter
22. Go to the zoo
23. Attend a movie premiere
24. Experience weightlessness
25. Go white water rafting
26. Go snowboarding/skiing
27. Be in two places at once
28. Be a member of the audience in a TV show
29. Be an extra in a movie
30. Attend a musical/play
32. Visit a state park that I've never been to
34. Go thrift store shopping
35. Meet a famous person
36. Attend a big party
37. Run a marathon
I've been to some before but I've never participated in one. I always wanted to try the color run! Looks amazing!
39. Go to a carnival
40.This is a no-brainer. I'll be living here anyways for awhile!
41. Visit Las Vegas
My mom mentioned to me that we're trying to plan a trip sometime this summer to Vegas. Gosh, it's been too long since I've been there. I really can't wait!
43. Visit California
44. Visit Chicago
45. Travel out of the country
46. Visit a new state that I've never been to
47. Visit a big landmark in the U.S.
48. Invest in the stock market49. Start saving money
Yes. Most definitely as much as I can with all this big plan that I have for this year.
50. Take on a side job
51. Apply for a new job or an internship and get it
52. Apply for scholarships and get it
On the Internet
53.54. Reach 100 followers on Twitter
I'm not constantly on these social medias and I'm not really pushing so much for followers but it would be good to reach 100 just because I'm in that 100 theme. The same goes for the rest of my social media goals.
56. Win or get something free on the internet
57. Constantly update blog and make it big
I really hope to get this blog off the ground and get people from all over the world reading it. It would be an achievement.
60. Get featured somewhere
61. Take a class (not for school!)62.
65. Learn a new sport or get back into sports
I think it's time that I get back into tennis?
66. Participate in a contest or compete in a competition
67. Get professionally certified - in anything!
68. Write a book (and get it publish)
70. Learn how to play a new instrument or learn how to play the violin again!
I used to play the violin when I was in elementary. It's a beautiful instrument. I definitely want to start playing it again. Of course, I'll have to reteach myself how to play it all over again.
Giving Back
71. Do volunteer work/community service72. Help organize an event
73. Be a mentor/get a pen pal
Being a mentor gives you great self-satisfaction. I used to be a mentor for first-year students who are differently able and registered under the Disability Services at my college. I also used to have a pen pal from Japan back in elementary school. Hmm, I should try connecting with him again.
74. Donate - anything!
75. Make a care package for someone
76. Be a part of a fundraiser/charity
77. Exercise regularly78. Get into meditation or yoga or zumba
79. Gain some weight!
If anyone knows me or have seen me, I am as skinny as skinny can be. I can't help it. It's in my gene. I should try weight lifting to get me some muscles to get that extra weight!
80. Start a new collection81. Pick up a new hobby
82. Learn how to drive a manual car
I think I'll have my parents or my boyfriend teach me this.
83. Do a photo shoot
84. Bake something from scratch
86. Hangout with old friends
87. Start a new scrapbook
88. Get my ear pierce again
89. Make an appointment for eye contacts
I've been saying this for awhile now but every time I want to, I just don't have the money! Hopefully I'll work more, save more, and get them contacts that I've been wanting.
90. Send a message in a bottle
91. Adopt a pet
I doubt this will happen but I really would love to!
92. Learn to knit/crochet
93. Learn how to cook - professionally!
94. Move out of my parent's house
95. Make a recipe book
97. Get back into DIY crafting
99. Have a family reunion
100. Complete my 100 list for 2015
Many adventures to come and so many stories to tell. Look forward to it!
What's your list?
This will be helpful when I'm bored and in need of an activity.
ReplyDeleteThanks :)
No problem! Thanks for reading!